Think about or imagine a person (or animal) in your life
that you love wholeheartedly. This love that you have for them is without
judgment and unconditional, it is a true gift that both of you share. Now
consider this, do you love yourself as completely and wholeheartedly as you do
this person (or animal)? If you do, congratulations on your self-love and the
self-work you have done to get to this place, however, most of us are not able
to truly answer that question with a ‘yes’.
“Many think self-love is just a form of narcissism, but the purest love knows no conceit. From a spiritual perspective, loving the self communicates humility and gratitude to whatever force gives us life. From a pragmatic perspective, studies show that self-forgiveness reduces procrastination, helps us break negative habits, and promotes personal growth.” ~ Self Forgiveness on the Path to Freedom
If self-forgiveness “reduces procrastination, helps us break
negative habits, and promotes personal growth”, why are we all not working to
do this to create a more productive and positive future for ourselves?
Sometimes it can feel ‘easier’ to hold onto our pain instead of shed light to
it and address it head on. When we address our issues and heal what needs
healing, we can then move forward with more positive energy to create our
“Between the 12th and
21st of this month, the seeds you plant by your thoughts, words, and
actions are very critical for what you will experience in the years ahead.”
~ Dr. Theresa Ibis, “The End of 2012 is Finally Here…What’s In
Store? & What Can You Do To Support The Transition At Hand?”
This energetic time (between 12.12.12. and 12.21.12) is
perfect for shedding our old layers, leaving them behind, and transforming into
the butterflies we wish to be. In order to shed our old layers, most of us have
some self-healing work to do. While all of our self-healing is unique, there
are most often common underlying themes. Two of these common underlying themes
have to do with forgiving ourselves for our past actions so that we are able to
move forward freely, as well as loving and accepting ourselves fully for who we
are. In order to love and accept ourselves fully, we may need to first identify
the pieces of ourselves that we need to address and forgive. Sometimes we don’t
even know definitively what that is, so it can be a process just to identify
This process of stepping forward and identifying our areas
we need to work on takes courage. To actively work on self-forgiveness and
self-love and to shed those old paradigm thoughts around who we are can be
tough. But by shedding these layers, we
are able to step forward and step out into who we truly are. By doing this we
can then then accomplish the things we wish to create for ourselves and live
out our personal vision. It is hard to create something new for ourselves if we
cling to our old patterns and behaviors, so in this new year what would you
like to forgive yourself for? Or what would you like to love yourself for? With
this year coming to a close, let’s make now the time.
I challenge us all to work on shedding the old and stepping
fully into ourselves and our personal power to create the lives we wish to
live. If you need a boost to help you do this, there are upcoming classes and
healing sessions that can assist in this process.
Upcoming Classes & Events to
Dec. 21: End of the World as we Know It PARTY! in
NE Minneapolis
Dec. 31 - Jan. 1:Empower Thyself Program & Initiation in Minnetonka
Jan. 6:Transformational Forgiveness in Minneapolis
Jan 12: Max Meditation in Minnetonka
Jan 12: Sacred Geometry I: for your home and office - Minnetonka
Jan 13: Sacred Geometry II:Gemstones and Crystals - Minnetonka
Visit our calendar for
Special Offers in January:
Start your new year with positive
energy! Schedule a private session today, and receive $25 off your first
session for new customers!
Returning clients receive 15% off
any session booked in January 2013.
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